Morning pages were originally introduced by Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way. However, irrespective of their profession or way of life, people have benefitted from it. Originally, Morning Pages were about writing 3 pages in one go, in the morning. However, you can customise the practice to suit your needs

How do I practice?
Every morning when you wake up, take a pen and your diary and write down whatever comes to your mind. It could be anything- thoughts about last night, thoughts about the future, about what is going to happen that day, memories, how you feel in your body, etc. There are no restriction, no rules except for those you set for yourself: Write for a fixed number of pages or put a timer for 5 minutes and write
What is the end goal?
As with any other mindfulness practice, simply doing this exercise is the reward in itself. There is no goal. Over time, however, you can build up the practice and write for longer durations or a increase the number of pages, every morning. In the longer run, you can also choose to pen down all your thoughts till your mind is empty i.e. you have no more new thoughts coming up. (You might find yourself going back to older thoughts- the ones you have already noted down. This is okay. You do not have to re-write them.) This might take more than 3 pages or more than 5 minutes. So, attempt this only when you are at an advanced level or have enough commitment.
Why should I journal?
Journaling is a very effective way of building a relationship with yourself. It gives you a place where you communicate with yourself, away from all the noises of the external world. When you put your thoughts down in your journal day after day, you get to speak to yourself and are also able to listen to yourself, thus it also serves as an effective tool for reflection.
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